Atoma Linear Weighers

LWA has sold over 850 weighing heads, so the Atoma linear weigher has amply proved itself on the market. These machines were originally built in Germany and are a paragon of German thoroughness. Together with our large inventory of parts and machines, they ensure a reliable production for many years to come.


Atoma linear weighers can be applied in many ways by both the food and non-food industry. Due to the low drop heights in the Atoma linear weighers, they are mostly used for fragile products. In addition, this type of weigher is often used for semi-automatic applications such as filling preformed bags, jars and dishes.

Fruits de saison

Fresh fruits

Nuggets de poulet et de poisson

Chicken- and fish nuggets

Légumes découpés

Cut vegetables

Choux à la crème

Cream puffs

Boulettes de viande hachée

Meat balls





IQF framboises

IQF Raspberries

Crevettes fraîches

Fresh shrimps

Oignons sautés

Fried onions

Litière pour chat

Cat litter



Poivre en grains










Lessive en poudre

Washing powder

Operations and versions

Atoma weighers may have 1, 2, 3 or even 4 weighing heads, depending on the required speed. Depending on the type of product, it is possible to carry out up to 20 weighings per minute. This machine basically has two versions:

  1. A short version with 1 vibrating feeder per weighing head between feed hopper and weigh hopper, which is suitable for fine-grained products such as salt, sugar, seeds, coffee beans, etc.
  2. A long version with 3 wide vibrating feeders and 1 narrow fine-dosing feeder, designed for larger products which are more difficult to process such as candy, biscuits, meat, fish, vegetables, etc.

Depending on the required weight, it is possible to choose between narrow and wide feeders. A narrow feeder is designed for weights up to 2.5 kg and a wide feeder for weights up to 10 kg.

All contact parts of the Atoma weigher are made of 304 stainless steel and each weighing head has a separate control system, so it can be used as a stand-alone. This makes the weigher a typical all-rounder in any production environment.

Control system

Although Atoma’s original modular control system operates very well, many customers prefer to have the weigher converted. This conversion implies that the original Atoma weighing cell is replaced by a digital load cell and the Atoma PCBs are replaced by the verified NewWeigh control system. The touchscreen operation including storage of programs increases the weigher’s ease of operation considerably.

This conversion is also possible for other brands such as Hastamat, Optima and SPK.


Commande d’origine

Original control system

Nouvelle commande

New control system

Système de prépesage d’origine

Original predosing system

Nouveau système de prépesage

New predosing system

Cabine de balance d’origine

Original weighing cell

Nouvelle cabine de balance numérique

New digital loadcell