NewWeigh FreeFlow

NewWeigh FreeFlow weighers are developed especially for free flowing products. Since no vibrating feeders are used, dust accumulation is low and the weigher’s footprint is extremely small.


A product is suitable for the FreeFlow weigher if it flows by itself due to gravity. Therefore, this type of weigher is suitable for:







Cat litter

Cat litter

Washing powder

Washing powder




The heart of the FreeFlow weigher is formed by the servo-controlled product slide, which is placed between feeder hopper and weigh hopper for a very accurate control of the product flow during the coarse-dosing and fine-dosing phase. Since no vibrating feeders are used, dust accumulation and segregation are minimized. In addition, the weigher has an enclosure, which makes it possible to install a dust extractor.


The NewWeigh FreeFlow is fully made of 304 stainless steel and is also available in 316 stainless steel. Because of the surface treatment (for example with teflon) and by creating an air flow, the product flow can be optimized further. If required, the servo motor is also available in an ATEX version. The FreeFlow weigher is available in various versions with 1, 2, 3 or 4 weighing heads, for speeds up to 80 weighings per minute.


The NewWeigh weighers are equipped with high-quality IPC control with:

  • User-friendly touchscreen control panel in multiple languages
  • Can save up to 99 programs, to enable a quick product change-over
  • MID authorization, making them suitable for calibration
  • FTP server for saving individual weights, which can be read out remotely